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Why Do Most Diets Fail?

According to Dr. Mark Hyman, author of Food: What the Heck Should I Eat, most diets fail because people restrict too much and their daily caloric consumption drops below their resting metabolic rate or RMR.

RMR is the minimal number of calories or energy needed for the body to function.

When caloric intake drops below a certain level, the body senses danger and begins to store food as fat. When the body senses a state of starvation it signals you to eat.

When you are dieting, you often lose valuable metabolically active muscle (and water) and gain back predominantly fat.

Now, here is something important - Fat cells mainly store energy, while muscle cells actively utilized and burn energy.

Fat calls still contribute to the overall total daily energy expenditure, but muscle cells such as smooth muscles (i.e. your intestines), cardiac muscles (heart), and skeletal muscle cells (the ones you exercise) burn significantly more calories than fat cells do.

This is why yo-yo dieting causes you to lose a big part of your metabolic engine.

When we say that there is a perfect diet for you, what we mean is that there is a way of eating that is just right for your body, a way that works best for you, the lifestyle you want to live, and your activity level. This, of course, shifts and changes throughout the different phases of your life.

Most fitness and nutrition programs out there will tell you what and how much to eat and/or how to train. And those things are essential. But my own experience has proven that will power and knowledge are simply not very effective at creating substantial permanent habit change. Most people do not need more information. In fact, they already have too much of it. They are inundated with it! Dietary theories are confusing and contradictory and there are hundreds of them. And each one of them has scientific studies to prove why their theory is the best.

At Moxie, our goal is to help our clients move away from a “be-on-a-diet” mentality and to undertake a “way of eating” instead. True fact: The word “diet” comes from the Greek root word “diaita”, which means “to live one's life,” and from the Latin root word, “diaeta,” meaning a “manner of living”. Most people, however, think of a diet as a short-term period of hunger and deprivation, an external solution for quick weight loss. The rewards are few and the behavioral changes are not permanent.

When it comes to creating the perfect way of eating for you, we know that 20% of it is going to be about actual nutrition (the balance, source, and timing of macros). The other 80% is going to be about something else. That something else is mindset. 

Here's how it works...

  1. Your beliefs are habits of thought, opinions, and attitudes about the world around you, and especially your beliefs about YOU, about your life.

  2. Your beliefs (habits of thought) affect your perception (what you see).

  3. Your perception affects how you feel.

  4. How you feel determines the way you behave (your habits).

  5. Beliefs are self-fulfilling. So, your body must follow your beliefs (Let that sink in for a minute).

  6. Your beliefs create your experience and your experience confirms your beliefs.

  7. CONCLUSION: Willpower and knowledge will not cut it. If you want to change your habits/behaviors (and achieve lasting results), you must start by creating new beliefs. Otherwise your existing beliefs will end up sabotaging every new goal you set for yourself.

Below is a list of the 8 Dietary Paradigms that we hold as true...

  1. There are as many "right" diets as there are people on the planet.

  2. What's healthy for one person might not be healthy for YOU.

  3. Your body is the most powerful, least expensive and BEST dietary experimentation lab in existence. Why? Because the body has an innate wisdom beyond any book or authority.

  4. Diets are not useful as dogma; however, they are useful as references.

  5. Your diet changes as you change.

  6. Your relationship with food and your body impacts your health more powerfuly than the food you eat.

  7. Every symptom, craving, or behavior around food has a positive intention; therefore, symptoms, cravings, or behaviors are not the problem. They are simply the best solution you have come up with so far.

  8. Nourishment is about much more than just food.

When these two are combined together you achieve inner and outer transformation!

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