YOU GUYS!! LOOK AT THIS TRANSFORMATION!! I couldn't be more proud of this woman!! Sharon inspires the hell out of me. We have been working together 1-on-1 since mid June. While Sharon has committed to working out consistently and following her Moxie Custom Nutrition Template, there is so much more going on than you could even imagine.
After much "inner work" (Sharon also completed the MM3 90-Day Total Transformation), Sharon has come to believe that she is just as worthy, deserving, and capable of creating and sustaining extraordinary health, happiness, and success as any other person on earth... And she lives in alignment with that truth.
Sharon is committed to making personal development a PRIORITY in her DAILY life. Every. Damn. Day.
She has shown up for herself in a powerful way over and over again and reminded herself of who she truly is.
She has gotten specific about what she wants and why she wants it.
She has gotten intentional about creating the future that she wants.
She has let herself be vulnerable and opened herself up to failure.
She has positioned herself for success and decided to believe that she can achieve her goals and have the success she wants.
She has learned about her strengths and weaknesses.
She has set aside her excuses and taken responsibility for her own happiness.
She has stretched herself and gotten uncomfortable.
She has identified her triggers and learned how to exchange healthy responses for problem behaviors.
She has developed new skills, new attitudes, and new capabilities.
She has consciously shifted her habits to align with who she is becoming.
She has gained awareness of her limiting subconscious beliefs. Now that she is aware of her destructive patterns,she has the power to change them.
She has shown that she believes in herself and loves heurself enough to do what it takes to change her life.
She has proven to herself that she can literally accomplish anything she sets her mind to. It doesn’t matter how many times she has screwed up because her "failures" are just opportunities for growth and self-development and learning something new.
Circumference Measurements: -22"
Weight: -31.2 lbs. BMI: -5.0 Body Fat: -7.5% (BTW the "baggy" shirt Sharon is wearing in the after photos is THE shirt she's wearing in the before photos!)
To see more Moxie Transformations please visit