The principles, practices, and habit development system outlined below are based on proven techniques and strategies and are the result of many years of learning and research which involved reading dozens of books, studying high achievers – their daily habits, practices, and routines – and of course my own personal findings through experience, trial-and-error, self-examination, and self-experimentation.
Although I am always a work in progress and never claim to have all the answers, my goal is to draw from my experience and share what has worked for me, the specific actions I took, and the habit change strategies I employed that have allowed transformation to happen and resulted in lasting change. I want to share any details of my journey that may help you achieve the same results in your life, even if your path looks slightly different from mine.
Here is a quick description of some of the different elements you are going to come across in the Program.
In Module 1, you will learn about the 8 Principles of the Program. These principles contain concepts and ideas which are core to the Reboot Program, and which have informed and influenced the content, design and format of the daily and weekly Journal pages.
As our identity or self-image is a key driver of our actions and behaviors, the Program focuses on strategies you can use to ‘Update’ your Identity – to reinforce an Identity that is aligned with a vision of the type of person you want to become. I have created a powerful 3-Step process in Module 3 to guide you in doing this, which includes designing powerful internal mantras or “Identity Statements” to help positively guide your behavior.
After many years of studying the habits and routines of high performers and through my own personal experimentation, I’ve identified some key practices and behaviors that create positive change and growth, and which can ultimately lead to a happier and more successful life. I have distilled what I learned into 15 Reboot Habits that you can implement into your daily and weekly routines which will act as big ‘levers’ of positive change across all the different areas of your life.
Some of these 15 Habits are habits based on actions (Action Habits), and some are mental habits aimed at building your self-awareness (Awareness Habits). Within these 15 Habits, some are habits we do daily (Primary Habits) and some are habits we can do once to a few times a week (Secondary Habits).
Although there is some natural overlap, I have grouped 14 of these Reboot habits and practices into 3 categories or Life Spheres: Body, Mind and Emotions, and Personal Growth. Each Sphere represents an important area of you and your life which you can improve and manage with these habits. The last habit, Reboot Habit #15, is a standalone “master habit” that can contribute to all these spheres.
In Module 4 of the Program, we dive deeper into each of the individual Moxie Reboot Habits and their benefits.
The Habit-Setting Templates are a space for you to plan each of the Reboot habits and to personalize them. They provide an opportunity for you to spend some time thinking about each new habit, the benefits and rewards you will feel, and plan some strategies you can implement to ensure they stick.
The Daily Journal pages are to be completed each morning and evening. These pages offer a reliable system for planning and completing your daily habits and practices, and a place to track your wins and reflect on your progress at the end of each day. Page 1 (Morning Prep) is completed in the morning and takes about 5 minutes. Page 2 (Evening Review) is completed in the evening and also takes about 5 minutes. I have left the Journal undated to be flexible and so that it can be started at any point in the year. It covers a period and is designed to be started at the beginning of the week. These Daily Pages will be your companion, coach, and accountability partner on your journey to implementing positive behavior change in your life. *You will find sample completed Daily Pages in your Materials.
The Weekly Review & Planning Pages are designed to be completed at the end of each week. They offer a habit tracking grid to get a snapshot of your progress that week, a pace to reflect on how things went and on areas to improve, and also somewhere to plan for the upcoming week. *You will find sample completed Weekly Pages your Materials.
The key objectives of the Program are to help you:
Understand how habits work and learn strategies you can use to build positive habits and eliminate negative ones.
Gain clarity on the type of person you want to grow to become and build a strong internal narrative with behavior priming mantras that will support you in your journey.
Successfully introduce 15 key positive habits and practices to benefit the different areas of your life and reinforce them to the point where they are “automatic”, eliminating your need for constant willpower and motivation.
Easily track your progress and record your small wins daily and weekly, helping you to stay accountable and focused, and in the way, build positive momentum and motivation to keep improving.
Increase your level of self-awareness, which is critical for personal growth, through reflection and self-monitoring practices.
This is the Program I wish I had at the beginning of my journey to self-improvement and optimized living, and I am delighted to make it available to you now on yours!