(Regularly $99)
When it comes to fat loss, exercise seems to get a lot of the attention. Often, when a person’s progress stalls, one of the first things they do is increase exercise duration, frequency, or intensity— sometimes all three!
While training is important, to bust through plateaus we need to look at four other things first. This is what I call the Hierarchy of Fat Loss.
Daily movement
Each of these factors affect the other, and in order to get the best results possible it’s important to optimize each of these areas.
The Moxie 30-Day Kickstart is a 30-day “unofficial” challenge you can do on your own, anytime. This is YOUR Challenge so you may begin when you feel ready. The Kickstart focuses on what we like to call “High-Impact Fundamentals”. These are everyday skills that, if learned and practiced consistently, will make a significant difference to nearly all clients’ results.
No matter what your Outcome Goals are (what you want to accomplish), think about it in terms of:
What skills you need to learn, maintain, or improve to move towards that goal,
What practices will build that skill, and
What kind of small, repeated actions / behaviors support the practice(s).
Your goal will be to follow along with the Daily and Weekly Habits and Tasks. The Moxie 30-Day Kickstart focuses on simple habits to build the essential skills that everyone needs to sustain good health, a lean and strong body, and athletic performance for life.
The Daily Habits focus on
Healthy Fuel Habits (like eating the right amount of protein, veggies, “smart carbs”, and healthy fats)
Water intake / proper hydration
Getting enough quality sleep
The Weekly Habits focus on
Resistance / Strength Training Workouts
Cardiorespiratory Workouts
Increasing daily activity (i.e. walking)
By tracking your habits and tasks every day / week, you will see how many days / weeks you’ve stayed on course with your new habits, which is a huge accomplishment in itself! You may choose to use the Moxie 30-Day Consistency Tracker provided (link in "#3 - Tools & Resources"), or use your preferred habit tracker journal, app, etc.
Skills, Practices & Daily Actions
Moxie Food Chart
Portion Control Guidelines
Moxie 30-Day Consistency Tracker
Exclusive access to the Moxie Members Only Site AND the Private Moxie Members Facebook Group where you can ask questions (or post comments)​
Success Tips
...and MORE!
Whether you are looking to kickstart (or RE-start) your fitness journey or continuing on a solid path, this is your opportunity to nail down the basics and take control of your health, fitness, and well-being. The Moxie 30-Day Kickstart is about facilitating lasting transformation - helping people make positive changes in their lives that support well-being.
Most people do not need (and cannot do) complexity. Attempting advanced strategies (i.e., “Keto", intermittent fasting, etc.) or searching for that "magic pill" / supplement before mastering the basics (i.e., consistently getting enough protein and veggies with most meals, prioritizing whole, unprocessed foods, moving and exercising consistently, limiting alcohol, prioritizing sleep, etc.) is like "mowing the lawn while the house is on fire."
Most people need help with the absolute basics of a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. They need strategies that are realistic, simple, and fit with their everyday lives as “imperfect” human beings. So, at Moxie Coaching, we do not believe in creating a bunch of strict rules. We are going to build a solid foundation by focusing on fundamentals. Mastering the basics and doing them consistently is almost always enough for optimal fitness, health, body composition, performance, and life balance.
The Moxie 30-Day Kickstart goes far beyond the food. The practices of exercising and eating right have a lot more to do with action than they have to do with knowledge. You can know exactly how to train and / or what, how much, and when to eat to drop body fat, build muscle, and lower your cholesterol or control your blood sugars, but you will still fall short of your goals if you don't do / eat those things consistently.
Until you realize that inactivity and inconsistency are your biggest hurdles to change you cannot move on. One of the main lessons is this: Eating better and exercising isn't about what you know. And it's not about what you do occasionally. Real results come when you find strategies for repeating certain actions / behaviors consistently and reliably.
Each of us needs to find something that works for us, but that thing needs to be sustainable for a lifetime. The Moxie 30-Day Kickstart focuses on building sustainable fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle habits that can be your foundation for taking control of your fitness year-round.
This is not one of those over-the-top fitness challenges or super-strict elimination diets. Sometimes we want big results fast, and we imagine that means pushing ourselves as far and fast as we can go. But we often set ourselves up for failure that way.
It turns out the opposite is often more effective. Slow and steady, consistent follow-through is what gets results. Consistency is perhaps the most important factor in success. “Small hinges swing big doors”. Which means breaking down big goals into small, actionable steps - daily and weekly habits - so that a big goal becomes a workable plan of action.
It’s common for people to want to categorize foods as “good” or “bad.” This type of approach can make the “right” choices seem clearer. Unfortunately, it also leads to feelings of deprivation, frequently followed by guilt (once you “cheat”). Because who can be perfect all the time?
There’s both a more effective and more enjoyable way. Instead of “good” and “bad,” think of foods on a continuum from “eat less” to “eat some” to “eat more.” This better allows for sustainable long-term change and progress.
So, for this Challenge, no foods are off limits — Yes, you read that right! I want you to have the freedom to choose what you want to eat. The purpose of the "Food Spectrums" is to help you prioritize choosing whole, unprocessed foods for most of your meals, NOT to force you to give up everything you love. You will establish a criterion for "better". YOU decide what defines your spectrum of better proteins, carbs, fats, and beverages. The Challenge is a great time to learn more about incorporating different foods, move forward on your spectrum to “better”, and to eliminate the all-or-nothing mindset around your nutrition by utilizing our resources.
I encourage you to join the private Moxie Members Facebook Group, a page dedicated to creating an inclusive community for all active Moxie members. We use the page to share information, for our community to interact, ask and answer questions, provide feedback, and to encourage and support one another. Be sure to post in the MM Facebook Group to let others in the Moxie Community know you are following along!